R&G Soleras Olvidadas Amontillado 5.4.1

Iberia Wine Club

Consíguelo con 11375 Avios


137 Iberia Wine Club

Gastos de envío:

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Consulta condiciones


Edad de la barrica

Composición de la barrica

Tiempo en barrica


Temperatura del servicio

Tiempo en botella
Grape variety

Edad del viñedo
Michel Rolland & Javier R. Galarreta

Awards & accolades

Wine description

An exclusive artisan selection from the best organically aged Listán Blanco casks from the historic “Cascos Bodeguero San León, Santa Ana and Miraflores” from 1822 and 1740 in Sanlúcar de Barrameda (Cádiz). The land of albariza and the boots (barrels) are the two main factors in Sanlúcar in the creation of terroir for Jerez. Coming from the sub-zone classified as Jerez Superior, the albariza soils are influenced by the Atlantic and the mouth of the Guadalquivir river.

The free run juice is decanted cold for 24 hours in stainless steel tanks. Alcoholic fermentation occurs at a temperature between 15º and 22ºC for approximately 10 days, with native yeasts. After fermentation, the most elegant and finest wines are carefully selected to begin biological aging, which enriches them to a maximum of 15.5% ABV.

Once the wine has been fortified, it goes through the criaderas and soleras aging system and biological aging under flor veil: it is aged in century-old American oak casks of between 500 and 900 L until it reaches an average age of more than 30 years. After 12 years of aging, the flor veil disappears and oxidative aging begins with the end of biological aging. At this point, the surface of the wine is in contact with the oxygen inside the butt. As the wine ages naturally, its alcohol content increases from the initial 15.5% to 21%.

Notas de cata y Maridaje

  • Colour Caoba, lleno de brillo. Es un vino elegante cuyos tonos van del topacio pálido al ámbar. Lentamente, con el paso de los años, el vino desarrolla un color más intenso entre el ámbar y un brillante caoba oscuro.
  • Aromas Intensidad aromática alta, especiado, con aromas a madera antigua, suavizada por aromas de avellana y vegetación, que recuerda a hierbas aromáticas y tabaco negro.
  • Palate Salino, muy seco, envolvente y muy persistente. Ligero y suave en boca con una acidez bien equilibrada; A la vez complejo y evocador, dando paso a un final seco y un retrogusto persistente con un toque de frutos secos y madera.
  • Food pairing El Amontillado tiene un enorme potencial de maridaje, ya que su sabor seco e intenso permite combinaciones difíciles y arriesgadas. Es un acompañamiento fascinante para verduras, trufas o setas, y es excelente con pollo ahumado o alcachofas.