Irache Reserva 2019

Iberia Wine Club

Consíguelo con 2480 Avios


30 Iberia Wine Club

Gastos de envío:

Fecha de entrega:

Consulta condiciones


Edad de la barrica

Composición de la barrica

Tiempo en barrica


Temperatura del servicio

Tiempo en botella

Grape variety

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Edad del viñedo

Jean-Marc Sauboua & Benoit Dreyer

Awards & accolades

Wine description

Bodegas Irache, located in Ayegui at the foot of Montejurra and two kilometres from the town of Estella, was founded in 1891. It is a family business, although its vineyards had already been supplying wine to the Royal House of Navarre from the 12th century, thanks to the work done for centuries by Benedictine monks at the Monastery of Irache, founded in the 11th century as the first pilgrims’ hospital on the Way of Saint James.

Various periods of growth and development have made Bodegas Irache the renowned market brand that it is today, however, without doubt Jesús Santesteban Arteaga became the true driving force behind the family business when he took charge of the winery in 1951, embarking upon a fully committed long-term trajectory and equipping it with cutting-edge facilities to garner prizes and awards at many international competitions.

Today, the following generations are responsible for continuing this important family legacy.

Notas de cata y Maridaje

  • Colour Rojo granate bien cubierto con ligero ribete rubí.
  • Aromas Intenso aroma balsámico sobre un fondo de madera fina, regaliz, compota de manzana, mermelada de higo.
  • Palate Intenso pero suave al final, elegante, sin aristas, redondo, de agradable sabor persistente.
  • Food pairing Este vino marida bien con carnes rojas,cordero, caza; estofados, asados, embutidos ibéricos y quesos curados.